


Dr. 乔·艾伦·查塔姆

2019年1月,Dr. 乔·艾伦·查塔姆 was named Director of 欧文康考迪亚大学's 公民教育中心. 该中心致力于促进民间对话, providing educational and inspiring programs devoted to our nation's history and foundational principles, 鼓励知情的公民参与.


Jo Ellen retired as Director of Public Affairs for Southern California Edison (SCE) after twenty years managing a team of Region Managers serving more than fifty cities in Orange and Los Angeles and supporting strategic planning for public affairs services.

乔·艾伦是PBS社会广播公司董事会前主席, 是美国340多个PBS电视台中收视率第二高的, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Public Media Group of Southern California. She served as Lay Vice Chair of the Association of Public Television Stations (APTS) and continues as a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Pacific Symphony and the Board of Directors of the Orange County Forum.

近15年来, Jo Ellen was an Associate Professor of Political Science at West Los Angeles College where she also served as an administrator and officer in the Faculty Senate. 在加入SCE之前, 乔·艾伦是加州鹰论坛的主席, a public policy organization; appointed by Governor Pete Wilson to the Board of Governors of the California State Bar Association and the Narcotic Addict Evaluation Authority and was a member of the Board of the Henry Salvatori Forum at the University of Southern California.

Jo Ellen曾在许多组织的董事会担任各种职务, 包括橙县妇女地位委员会, 奥兰治县商业委员会, 橙县世界事务委员会, 橙县红十字会(秘书), 奥兰治县高中艺术基金会董事会, the Leadership Council of the Center for the Study of Democracy at the University of California at Irvine, and the Board of Visitors of the Chapman University School of Law and Orange County Taxpayers Association. She is the Public Affairs Ambassador for the Nowruz Commission and a member of the 咨询委员会 of the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations which awards the Ellis Isl和Medals of Honor.

In 1987, 乔·艾伦著有《一个更完美的联邦:1787年制宪会议》, which received official recognition by the United State Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution. 在其他荣誉中,她于2015年获得了埃利斯岛荣誉勋章. 她得了B. S. 和M. A. 加州州立大学北岭分校政治学学士学位和第二个硕士学位.A. 和Ph值.D. 南加州大学政治学专业毕业. 她还在加州大学洛杉矶分校研究生院学习消费经济学.

For two years Jo Ellen was a panelist on NBC's Emmy Award-winning public policy program "Free 4 All" and a frequent guest on television and radio, 包括在“CNN和公司”等节目中露面,”“《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》,“《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》。,CBS的《博彩平台网址大全》, 住在L.A.以及其他许多人. She was a political columnist for the Daily Pilot and has organized and taught seminars in effective political action and media relations. She is a co-founder of the Alpha Political Campaign School and has authored The Political Campaign Manua and the Citizen Action Manual.


斯科特•卡彭特是Fusion Strategies的管理合伙人, 有限责任公司, 专业公关, 政府事务, 政治咨询公司. Among his numerous responsibilities and tasks are recruiting and training candidates for political office on local, 县, and state levels of government; advising and consulting on public policy initiatives in the crafting of policy items and advocacy to policymakers and the public at large; and coordinating strategic communications and messaging with clients to present to the public and key stakeholders.


斯科特曾为几位民选官员担任过各种职务, 包括州参议员约翰·莫拉克. 六年来,他一直担任参议员莫拉克的地区主任, managing the training of District Office staff and overseeing all district office operations. 以这种身份, 他与社区领袖建立并培养了关系, 企业主, 慈善组织, 民选官员, 成分, 以及整个社区的问题倡导者. 除了, he collaborated with local leaders to identify legislation needed to solve problems within the district; oversaw communications to traditional and social media; managed constituent services; and advocated for the Senator's legislative agenda in the community and with other legislative leaders.

在为参议员莫拉克服务之前, Scott was Senior Policy Advisor to Orange County Supervisor Shawn Nelson for five years where he researches and allayed policies affecting health care, 社会服务, 高级服务, 社区资源, 缓刑, 提案, 以及其他话题. He worked with the Communications Director to assist in drafting and editing press releases, 时事通讯, and social media messages and represented the Supervisor at many community and committee meetings when relevant policy issues were being addressed. 在加入尼尔森县长办公室之前, Scott served as Campaign Manager for Nelson's election to the Board of Supervisors.

直到被肖恩·尼尔森的竞选团队招募, Scott was a Field Representative and Legislative Aide to California State Assemblymember Chuck DeVore, 斯科特在州议会大厦待了一年, 协调德沃尔的日程安排, 立法研究, 并通过立法程序进行人事立法.

斯科特得了B.A. in Political Science and History with a Minor in Business from Concordia University, Irvine in 2005. 院长奖学金获得者, 斯科特在学生会很活跃, serving in the Student Senate from 2003-2004 and as Student Body Vice President from 2004-2005 as well as being a 4-year Work Study student.

Scott's public service and public affairs experience includes being the campaign manager for a proposed public policy measure in Newport Beach; serving as the Political Director for the Republican Party of Orange County; volunteering as an advisor for the YMCA Youth and Government model legislature and court program; and recruiting and organizing volunteers for mission trips to Tijuana to build and repair homes, 收集食物和用品,并为传教活动筹集资金. 他继续担任Yellow Ribbon America的董事会成员, an Irvine-based non-profit organization dedicated to supporting members of the military and their families.
