





  • 文科核心
  • 39-44单位
  • 艺术311:艺术史1
  • 3

这是一门从史前时期到文艺复兴时期的西方艺术概览课程, 采用图文并举的讲座, 独立研究, 博物馆参观, 和讨论. 这门课在春季学期每隔一年开一次.


  • 艺术312:艺术史II
  • 3

This course is a survey of Western art from the Renaissance up to the 20th century 采用图文并举的讲座, 独立研究, 参观及讨论博物馆. 这门课在春季学期每隔一年开一次.

  • 曾201:世界文学到文艺复兴
  • 3

This course will focus on critical thinking and 研究-based writing through comparative and interdisciplinary analysis. 除了讲课和课堂讨论, 对古代西方和非西方文学代表作的研究, 中世纪, 文艺复兴则强调文学, 文化, 以及这些文本的宗教意义. Co-requisite: 因此201年; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take 201年曾 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • 跨文化交际
  • 3

Social and 文化 variables in speech communication processes and strategies for resolving communication problems in 跨文化 settings with an emphasis on variables such as perception, 角色, 语言代码, 非语言交际也将在本课程中进行研究.

  • HST 410:神话
  • 3

对古典时代的接受取决于古人告诉自己的故事, 以及它们在后来的时间和地点的解释和重新刻写. This course traces the debt moderns owe to the earliest recorded stories that shaped civilizations, both to appreciate the stories in their own historical context as well as consider the responses (both those that identify with antiquity and those that assume its alienation) of succeeding eras, culminating in critical consideration of contemporary 文化 evocation of the classical tradition. 先决条件: 因此201年 or 因此202年 or HST 201.

  • HUM 495:高级项目(1-3个单元)
  • 1

In this capstone course students will meet with an instructor once per week in order to formulate, 研究, 并为他们的书面项目讨论一个合适的主题. 主题必须是跨学科的, 将本专业的重点与本专业的其他学科相结合. 前提条件:文科专业和高年级.

  • MUS 352: 音乐 of World Cultures -OR- MUS 482: 音乐 Cultures: 音乐al Expression in Christianity
  • 3

MUS 352: 音乐 of World Cultures - This course will introduce students to the study of music as a universal 文化 phenomenon and the discipline of ethnomusicology with exposure to the musical and 社会 aspects of folk, 传统的, 以及亚洲地区的艺术音乐, 非洲, 中东, 欧洲, 拉丁美洲, 和北美. 鼓励有音乐经验,但不是必需的.


MUS 482: 音乐 Cultures: 音乐al Expression in Christianity - This course will survey of the role, 发展, and 函数 of music in the Christian church from its roots in the Old Testament to the present day, 注意圣经, 神学, 社会, 文化方面的考虑. 提供隔年.

  • rel321:世界宗教
  • 3

这门关于世界主要非基督教宗教的概览课程将包括主题, 信仰模式, 仪式和崇拜, 道德, 社会模式, 起源与发展, 还有圣典.

  • THR 251:戏剧导论
  • 3

本课程将提供各种惯例的概述, 形式, 风格, 以及戏剧的类型, 包括戏剧分析原理和从戏剧角度探讨戏剧批评, 文学, 以及通过对代表性戏剧的主题讨论而获得的文化视角. 必要的实地考察可能需要额外收费.

  • 传播学重点
  • 18个单位
  • 人际沟通
  • 3

This course will analyze person-to-person communicative behavior in contexts ranging from informal to 组织 looking at topics such as attraction, 信任, 语言, 非语言行为.

  • COM 280:人类交际理论
  • 3

作为博彩平台网址大全们用来解释人类交流的理论的系统Explore, 这门课将涉及修辞, 说服, 人际关系, 跨文化, 小组, 媒体, 组织, 以及性别交流.

  • 从以下课程中选择三门:
  • 高级公共演讲
  • 3

This course is an advanced study of speech communication with an emphasis on professional speaking techniques, 幽默, 还有故事的运用. Oral assignments will include serious and 幽默ous personal stories that make a point; persuasive and special occasion speeches; and a final professional presentation. 演讲将被观看和分析. 先决条件: COM 111 or COM 211 或者导师的同意.

  • 数字媒体通信
  • 3

本课程将着重于人格, 发明, 发展, 术语, and issues closely associated with seven (7) mass 媒体 industries with a special emphasis on internship preparation and 媒体 job opportunities. 使用商业杂志进行文章报道, 报纸, 媒体专业人士阅读的行业期刊也是必需的.

  • 修辞和说服理论
  • 3

主要是从社会科学的角度, 本课程将探讨影响的基本理论和技巧, 培养学生的自然意识, 函数, 态度改变的范围以及态度的概念, 信誉, 拒绝说服, 道德, 现代广告实践.

  • 修辞批评
  • 3

修辞学:修辞学批评的历史、性质、目的和方法. 八(8)关键的方法来分析人类交流事件将被研究. 先决条件:初级职称.

  • 通讯研究方法
  • 3

作为研究过程的介绍, this course will examine how 研究 is planned and designed; introduce the process of data collection and analysis; explore the methodology for communication 研究 (including sampling, 调查问卷设计, and introduction to statistics); and provide experiences in conducting original 研究. 先决条件: COM 280.

  • 选择以下课程之一:
  • COM 211:论证与辩论导论
  • 3

作为一门基于表现的课程, 学生将学习论证设计, 运用理性和证据, 并在竞争激烈的学术辩论环境中练习,重点是批判性思维, 研究技能, 以及口头表达论点的修辞和表现能力.

  • COM 222:新闻理论与实践
  • 3

本课程将介绍新闻写作的基础知识, style, 理论, 调查, 道德, 采访,包括新闻, 特性, 体育, 审查, 观点风格. 至少六(6)书面文章将提交给康考迪亚快递.

  • COM 328:小组通信
  • 3

Group process theories relevant to communicative behavior in the 小组 setting will be examined in this course along with the analysis of group member behavior, 交互模式, 以及在各种小组讨论中解决问题的技巧.

  • 非语言交际
  • 3

This course will examine the 理论 and 研究 on nonverbal aspects of communication with an emphasis on developing effective communication skills related to physical appearance, 衣服, 身体运动, 面部和眼神交流, 声音提示, 以及对环境和空间的利用.

  • 面试理论与实践
  • 3

This course will examine the 理论 and techniques of oral communication in the process of interviewing with the practical application to employment, 信息收集(如新闻和调查), 说服性访谈(如销售和法律辩论).

  • COM 371:社交媒体入门
  • 3

This course will explore the fundamentals of and introduce 社会 媒体 and other emerging technologies and tools, 当前趋势和未来方向, 好处, 值, 和风险. Case studies will be 审查ed to assess how 社会 媒体 impacts and influences fields such as communication and marketing and how it in形式 future trends and 发展. 先决条件:(关于102年 or 关于201年)及(COM 280 or MKT 341).

  • 媒体和剧本写作
  • 3

本课程将探讨电台的剧本写作, 电视和电影项目,包括公告, 广告, 新闻, 特性, 纪录片, 喜剧, 还有游戏和音乐节目.

  • 公共关系研究
  • 3

Public relations (PR) as a communication discipline will be examined in this course with an emphasis on developing and implementing campaigns including presentations by PR professionals and in-class projects/exercises on topics such as public relations in nonprofit organizations, 企业及社会责任, 媒体关系, 技术, 道德问题.

  • 组织沟通
  • 3

The role of communication in achieving 组织 goals; the 理论 and practice of communication in private and public organizations; and techniques to enhance understanding in organizations will be examined in this course.

  • COM 471:社交媒体的高级策略
  • 3

This course will utilize the practical tools and strategies required to successfully leverage 社会 networks to develop and understand core concepts that can be applied to various applications. This course will utilize the practical tools and strategies required to successfully leverage 社会 networks to develop and understand core concepts that can be applied to various applications and give you the necessary tools to manage a 社会 媒体 account as a business representative. 在本课程中,您将获得创建社交媒体营销策略的经验, 比如策划实际内容, 制定社交媒体培训计划, 广告, 还有危机和度量计划. 先决条件: COM 371 或者得到老师的同意.

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. 请参阅 学术目录 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格获得学位.
