

The Administrative 服务 Credential 程序 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 offers a credential-only route to secure an administrative credential apart from a master’s degree. 旨在为私立或公立K-12教育培养领导者, 该计划使有抱负的管理人员获得领导最佳实践方面的知识, 促进社区, 支持增长.

Completion of this 24-unit 程序 will allow students to file through Concordia’s Credential Analyst for a Preliminary Administrative 服务 Credential with the State of California Com任务 on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).


Students may choose to complete the master’s degree by completing two additional courses (6 units) at the end of their PASC 程序. 学生必须向我们的学校申请 MAEd:教育管理专业.



康考迪亚大学证书课程不参加第四章联邦财政援助计划. 康考迪亚大学的行政服务证书课程被认为是一个证书课程. 注册或计划注册行政服务证书课程的学生可以申请一个 私人学生贷款.

PASC 项目的亮点

  • 提供通往初步行政服务证书的快速途径, 可以选择通过完成另外两门课程来获得硕士学位.
  • 有成就的教师致力于指导将对其专业产生积极影响的学生.
  • 受益于一个追求像基督一样的卓越服务的项目, 用爱心对待师生, 尊严, 和尊重.
  • 向有资格的资深从业者学习,他将与您合作并指导您完成丰富的实习经验.



康考迪亚大学欧文分校和领导力发展研究所 橙县教育局 have established a partnership for Concordia’s PASC graduates who have secured an administrative position and who need to clear their Administrative Service Credential (Tier 2). 在Tier 2项目结束时, 成功满足项目要求的候选人将获得清晰的行政服务证书.

清除您的管理服务凭证, 学生可以联系奥兰治县教育部明确行政服务证书协调员, Dr. 汉娜·格迪,直接说你是康考迪亚大学欧文分校教育学院的.

(714) 668-7813


  • 一个个性化的项目,重点是 加州教育领袖专业标准 (CPSEL).
  • Offers 80 hours (40 hours per year) of job-embedded coaching to individuals currently employed in an administrative position in the PK-12 setting.
  • 考入博彩平台网址大全的研究生 Ed.D. 程序 有机会参加考试并绕过一级初级证书所需的24个单元.


  • 初级行政服务证书(PASC):必修课
  • 24个单元
  • EDUA 556:教育中的法律和政治方面
  • 3

This course will explore the shaping of education in America by law and the legal system as students are encouraged to become familiar with the manner in which courts operate, 他们是如何做决定的, 以及他们的决定对教育和教育政策的影响.

  • EDUA 557:人力资源
  • 3

本课程将探讨这些趋势, 问题, 范围, 并对学校人事管理的实践和人事管理策略问题进行了探讨, 学校人事管理理论, 以及对分类人员和持证人员的评估方案.

  • EDUA 558:财政资源
  • 3

本课程将探讨这些趋势, 问题, 范围, 以及学校财务的实践和解决财务管理策略问题, 制定预算和战略计划的技巧, 地方管制拨款公式, 和地方控制责任计划.

  • EDUA 561:分析数据,告知学校改进和促进公平
  • 3

Students will analyze multiple sources of school site/district data for the purpose of identifying equity gaps to inform an initial draft 计划 for equitable improvement in line with the school’s vision, 任务, 和目标. 在调查周期内, 计划, 行为, 和反映, 学生将收集和分析多个来源的纵向定量和定性数据. 学生将进行公平差距分析,以确定潜在的因果因素, 所有这些都以一个问题陈述告终, 定义与公平相关的特定教育需求. Students will attend one best 实践s Saturday symposium that will present topics on critical 问题 in education for administrators.

  • EDUA 562:促进实践社区
  • 3

Students will focus on facilitating collaborative professional learning within a community of 实践 for the purpose of improving teaching and student learning. 在调查周期内, 计划, 行为, 和反映, students will identify and work with a small group of educators to identify a problem of 实践 and select an approach for working together. 另外, students will identify an evidence-based strategy to address the problem of 实践 that will strengthen and increase equitable learning opportunities for all students. 作为循环的一部分, 学生将反思他们的促进如何支持小组解决实践中的问题, and how they responded to the group’s feedback on their facilitation and on their ability to support the professional learning of the community of 实践. Students will attend one best 实践s Saturday symposium that will present topics on critical 问题 in education for administrators.

  • EDUA 563:支持教师成长
  • 3

Students will focus on coaching an individual teacher to strengthen teaching 实践s and improve student learning and/or well-being. 在调查周期内, 计划, 行为, 和反映, students will become familiar with coaching and observation 实践s at the school; identify a volunteer teacher whom the student will coach; and conduct a full coaching cycle, 包括一次观察前会议, 集中课堂观察,收集与cstp相关的实践证据, 并召开一个会后观察会议. 在这个领导周期中, 学生将反思自己作为教练和具有公平意识的领导者的优势和专业成长领域. Students will attend one best 实践s Saturday symposium that will present topics on critical 问题 in education for administrators.

  • EDUA 590:行政实习
  • 3

行政实习/实习(EDUA 590/591), students examine administrative and supervisory behaviors in the context of the school site based upon Narrative Reflections, 签名分配活动和CalAPA周期. These 行为ivities are 设计ed to give students hands-on experiences at the school site and district levels anchored in the California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPEs). 学生必须在EDUA 590中完成至少50小时的实习经验,在EDUA 591中完成至少50小时的实习经验, 分别. 实习总时数最少为100小时. A minimum of 20 hours of experience must be at the district level and a minimum of 20 hours must be at a site different from where the pr行为icum student works. 最后,必须至少花20个小时与不同的学生群体一起工作.

  • EDUA 591:高级行政实习
  • 3

The second pr行为icum (EDUA 591) is taken concurrently with the second half of the course work and builds upon the accomplishments of the first pr行为icum. The advanced pr行为icum is 设计ed to continue fostering opportunities to develop and 实践 the California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPEs). 这些实践有助于为候选人准备有效的学校领导所必需的技能. 至少50个实习小时必须完成edua591, 加上已经参加edua590比赛的50个小时.


  • EDEL 510:仆人式领导
  • 3

This course will present the value of incorporating the servant leadership model into one’s repertoire as an educational leader today. Students will identify key char行为eristics and strategies that will enhance their legacy as a leader who galvanizes positive changes in the lives of students, 的同事们, 父母, 以及整个学校的文化.

  • EDUA 517:课程设计与评价
  • 3

本课程将为学生提供深入学习学校教学方法和教学材料的机会, 包括国家课程文件, 专业人士的课程建议, 最近的教育研究提出的建议, and the recommendations of recent reform movements with emphasis on the study of alternative approaches to curriculum theory, 设计, 实践, 和评估.


  • EDUA 564 - CalAPA循环修复
  • 1*

符合国家要求, the preliminary administrative services credential 程序 offers a remediation opportunity for candidates in need of repeating a failed attempt for one or more of the CalAPA cycles. 考生将在导师的指导下,重复相应的8周CalAPA周期课程. 考生可以根据需要重复多次以获得CalAPA周期的及格分数。. 所有三个CalAPA周期都可以在当前的MAEd学费下进行补习,每个周期每次尝试1个单元. (请参阅MAEd手册,了解更多有关补救程序的资料.)


Students interested in applying to this 程序 must have a valid credential* and have completed two years of successful full-time teaching experience for at least a minimum day of 75% of the total days in the school year.



  1. 在线申请
  2. 报名费50元,恕不退还
  3. 最高学位授予机构成绩单的正式复印件
  4. 累积绩点2.75或以上
  5. BSR通道
  6. 有效凭证*
  7. 至少2年成功的全职教学经验证明. 

    教学经验证明文件必须印有学区或雇用机构的抬头,并由主管签署, 车间副主任, 人事主任, 或者是公共服务部主任.
    Before Concordia’s Credential Analyst can recommend a student for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or Preliminary Credential, 学生必须成功完成五(5)年的学业, 公立学校全职工作经验, 非公有制学校, 或者私立学校.  全日制服务是指在学年总日数的75%中至少有一天的服务.  (替代服务或兼职服务不适用). 

(a) a clear or life California teaching credential that requires a baccalaureate degree and a 程序 of professional preparation, including student teaching or the equivalent and holds an English learner authorization; or
(b)具有明确的或终身的加州指定科目成人教育教学证书, 职业技术教育, 职业教育或特殊科目, 申请人须具有学士学位, and holds an English learner authorization; or
(c)学生人事服务的明确或终身加州服务证书, 为学校护士提供保健服务, 教师图书馆员服务, or speech-language pathology or clinical or rehabilitative services requiring a baccalaureate degree and a 程序 of professional preparation, 包括实地工作或同等工作.



康考迪亚教育学院提供四种不同的课程 教学证书七、特色 教育学硕士(MAEd)研究生学位,和 教育学(EdD)领导博士学位. 班级规模小,注重批判性的发展, 独立思考, 由经验丰富的基督教教师授课. Concordia’s 教育学院 enjoys an excellent reputation in the academic community as thousands of graduates lead in schools throughout the region. 学生获得有针对性的知识和熟练的技能来连接, 护理, 合作, 并发挥他们在教育中的独特作用. 我们的目标是让学生有能力追求机会,促进他们的职业发展.

了解更多 关于教育学院


有关行政服务证书计划的更多信息,请填写我们的 调查形式 或联系:

研究生院副主任 & 成人招生

